Oil Canning Memo


At Integrity Metals we understand the conditions that can lead to Oil Canning and offer several solutions to help you limit its appearance.

What is Oil Canning?

As a manufacturer of Metal Roofing Systems, Integrity Metals acknowledges that “Oil Canning” is an inherent cosmetic condition that can be prevalent in all types of metal.

“Oil Canning is known as a natural occurring phenomenon that visually affects all types of Metal Roofing including but not limited to: Steel, Aluminum, Copper and Zinc. It appears as waviness or slightly dimpled impressions on the surface of metal and can present uniformed or sporadically dependent on the cause. Oil canning does not affect the structural integrity of metal panels and is not cause for rejection.”

What Causes Oil Canning?

Oil Canning occurs when there is moderate deformation or buckling of the sheet material, this is particularly common with flat sheet metal surfaces or “flat panels”. Common causes include:


  • Uneven roof substructure and underlayment– any deviations in the roof deck or framing will inevitably show through the underlayment and metal. Your metal roof will only be as flat as the structure it is fastened to.
  • Settling or movement in the primary structure (home or building) – over time a structure that settles can cause twisting, bowing, dipping or rising in sections of the roof which will increase stress across metal panels.
  • Overtightened fasteners – screws or clips that are over tightened during installation can add to a wavy appearance of panels.
  • Improper storage and handling – metal panels should not be stored with too much bow or too much flex. They should be stored in a manner that allows drainage of water from end to end but does not bow panels. Improper handling or carrying of panels can induce a wavy appearance to a previously flat panel. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for storage and handling.
  • Temperature stress – as surface temperature fluctuates, metal panels expand and contract. Waviness caused by thermal forces can appear and disappear daily as panel temperature changes due to solar absorption or radiation.
  • Light exposure and shadow lines – light exposure and shadows change as the sun’s position shifts throughout the day and at different times of the year impacting the way the eye perceives the reflection of light or discerns oil canning.

What is the Impact of Oil Canning?

Oil canning does not present a danger to the structural integrity of a roof. It is simply a matter of aesthetics and the look you want to achieve.

What does Integrity Metals do to help avoid Oil Canning?

While “oil canning” cannot be completely prevented, we work hard to limit the causes and appearance of wavy panels.


  • Striated panels – striations greatly reduce the appearance of oil canning by adding strength to the center of the panel, defusing light and glares. Integrity highly recommends and offers striated panels at no additional charge.
  • Prime material from vetted sources – Integrity Metals proudly uses metal coil only from sources that are known for quality in their rolled goods. Our coils have been spun through a tension leveler before arrival at our facility to remove as much stress as possible.
  • Proper equipment calibration – roll forming equipment should be well-tuned and appropriate for the gauge of metal being manufactured. We carefully maintain and calibrate our roll formers for each job we manufacture, greatly minimizing any defects that can lead to oil canning.

Let Us

To learn more about the Metal Panel Roofing Systems we manufacture and how the metal roofing experts at Integrity can help you reduce installation problems that can lead to oil canning give us a call at 772-584-2654 today.